Saturday, December 17, 2011

2011 Goodreads Reading Challenge

Back in January I set this crazy reading goal for the year. Of course at the time I didn't think it was unreasonable. There are 365 days in a year, so 250 books should be easy, right?

Well it hasn't been quite as easy as I thought. I have 18 books and 14 books to go. It's not like I haven't been reading. I have books on my phone, books by the bed, in my purse, in my car, next to the couch and in the kitchen. We are tripping over them there are so many. I also have audiobooks--in the car and in the kitchen. There is no better way to pass the day baking that listening to an audiobook.

2011 Reading Challenge

2011 Reading Challenge

Kristi has

read 232 books toward her goal of 250 books.


To meet my goal I have started reading graphic novels. Jess thinks that is cheating, but I see it as improving my readers advisory skills. I sadly neglect the graphic novel collection at my library, and while I will still be stingy in appropriating money there (I know, I know, I know, I need to), at least I will be able to recommend some of the titles. And I'll reach my 250 book goal in the meantime.

But with January 1st fast approaching, I will have to decide what my goal for next year is. I have taken on more responsibilities in the last year and that certainly will cut down on my reading time, but I'm not sure I want to veer away from the 250 mark. I read mostly YA lit (I'm a teen librarian after all) and I can usually read those books in an evening. But I enjoy adult fiction as well and really should read more nonfiction and those take longer to read and absorb. But I also thing I should continue to increase my knowledge of the graphic novel collection. I guess the questions remains: is 250 book in a year insane or reasonable, a number or an incentive? And. do I want to set a goal I may have to struggle to reach. I love reading but not at the expense of life. I don't think that was a problem this year, but will all the other things I'm doing, will it be next year?

So what did I decide? You will have to wait until January 1st when I set the new goal. Just like me.

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